Advice for artists who are making a comeback - 8 things to keep in mind during your rebirth...
8 super smart things to keep in mind when planning your career comeback…
Play your hits!! You have to remember how people fell in love with you the first time around. Don’t take them on a whole new journey without reminding them of why they love you! Strike a balance between old and new to entice new fans and placate your existing ones. All your fans will love you for it, regardless of how long they’ve been your fans.
Step into the new millennium! Embrace the new way to reach fans, old and new. There’s no such thing as “over” exposure, as long as it’s positive. Your existing and new fans will appreciate the connection and you’ll be able to build your brand and expand your reach quickly and easily.
Seek representation that loves you like your fans do! Make sure they have the resources and ideas to help achieve your goals.
Do not live in the past. Remember, you are trying to rebuild your career and that takes FORWARD thinking!.
Be willing to work. If the work makes sense to the people working to rebuild you, you should trust that. They’re with you for a reason and vice versa.
Work hard! You are who you are but, there is a whole new world that is just waiting to embrace your art! Get out there, go hard, give it your all.
Be humble. People want to love those who are lovable. Check your ego at the door in every interaction. Coming off as aloof or arrogant isn’t adding to your “credibility” - in fact, just the opposite.
Embrace The Digital World! If you’ve fallen out of the technology loop, find a way to get back in. Work with people who understand how to get you back to the top in the modern digital ecosystem!!! It’s never too late to learn, and the more you know about the technology that’s out there the better off you’ll be, in every aspect of your career.