10 things I really wish somebody had told me 20 years ago
All of which would have saved me time, money, heartache and negativity….
Treat your career like a business. (Why? Because in many ways it is.)
Understand what you’re doing and why you want to do it! Others will ask you this constantly and if you don’t know yourself, how can you possibly articulate it to the world. More importantly, if you don’t know, how can you possibly believe it yourself? Figure it out and then follow it.
Be consistent. If you keep changing who you are and what you’re creatively putting out, no one can follow your path. If you can’t pick a direction and stick with it, people will tire of you and you’ll lose them.
Know your audience. Trust them. They like what they like and love what they love, from you.
Surround yourself with good people. You CANNOT DO THIS ALONE.
Be in-tune with the way the business is changing and be willing to adapt! Resisting progress will KILL your career.
Know who you’re working with and stay active in your career. Do not trust that anyone cares more about your success than you do! Be present and fully engaged at all times.
Strive to be better! Everyone can grow.
Be open to collaboration. You are not the only great artist on the planet. Remember, people didn’t know you once upon a time. That didn’t make you talentless, it just made you a great artist waiting to be discovered. There are others out there that may lift you up!!
Work harder than everybody else but find a balance. This is a tough business and there are thousands of people trying to get the spot you want. You have to work harder than them but you don’t want to burn out. Take direction so that the work you are doing actually helps elevate you…